Learning Creates Australia is a new collaboration between The Foundation for Young Australians, the Paul Ramsay Foundation and PwC Australia, that aims to create innovative, evidence-based, practical solutions to deeply entrenched and systemic educational challenges.

Its first project, The Learner’s Journey, centres on a key challenge: “How might we develop a new and trusted way to recognise learning that enables every young person to thrive in learning, work and the community?”

As part of its focus to build a new approach to recognising learning that strengthens agency in young people and helps them to effectively navigate and access pathways beyond school, Learning Creates is working with research partners to publish a series of discussion papers and reports.

The first report – ‘Recognition of learning success for all’ with the University of Melbourne – provides the background to the challenges facing Australian education as well as new insights from young people. It examines the prevailing conceptions of success built into the recognition system in senior secondary schooling in Australia and explores how to build a more equitable system that celebrates and measures a broader and deeper conception of success.

The discussion paper ‘Shifts and Flows in Learning and Work’ presents insights on the changing relationship between employers and young people, through a survey and set of interviews with employers, intermediary organisations and young people. The paper demonstrates how “first mover” employers are realigning their relationship with young people already and seeing the benefits of doing so despite obvious barriers.

Two further reports in conjunction with the University of Melbourne are due to be published shortly.

Find out more about Learning Creates here.

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