Earlier this year, Paul Ramsay Foundation hosted Sir Geoff Mulgan OBE, Professor of Collective Intelligence, Public Policy, and Social Innovation at University College London.

Over two weeks, Geoff engaged in workshops with PRF staff and partners to explore the connections of collective intelligence, social innovation, public imagination, the relational state, and more, to breaking cycles of disadvantage so that people and communities can thrive.

Speaking in the below video about how Australia can better address social issues he says, "We've had, I think, in much of the world a stunted social imagination in recent years... We struggle to imagine a desirable, plausible future for our society."

Geoff also engaged in several public events across Sydney and Canberra, including a public lecture with Distinguished Professor Genevieve Bell at the ANU School of Cybernetics, on applications of cybernetic thinking and collective intelligence to systems reform.

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