Applications for the 2024 Fellowship Program are now closed.

Expressions of Interest (EOI) are now open for our 2024 national fellowship program, supporting innovative research and practice ideas to help create the conditions for people and communities to have what they need to thrive, and address cycles of disadvantage.

The PRF Fellowship Program is designed to support innovative research ideas with the potential to fill key knowledge and practice gaps and create meaningful change. The Program provides selected Fellows with time and funding to allow them to explore and investigate questions that have the potential to drive Australia forward and support people and communities to thrive.

Fellowships are open to people with promising research ideas who have a relationship with a host organisation, such as a university, charity, or not-for-profit organisation. PRF is particularly interested in research that aligns with its purpose to help end cycles of disadvantage in Australia, and one or more of the following themes:

  • Place-based and community-led innovation and approaches;
  • Self-determination of First Nations peoples, families and communities;
  • Addressing or responding to future potential changes in conditions for people and places in Australia (e.g., technology and AI, climate change, economic changes);
  • Building leadership capacity and capability within the for-purpose sector.

Up to five 12-month fellowships will be awarded and will include up to $250,000 in funding, as well as support with networking.

The successful fellowship recipients will form a cohort and, in addition to financial support, will participate in a number of in-person and virtual workshops to share ideas, lessons and outputs with the other Fellows. Fellows will share ideas with each other, PRF, and the broader sector in due course.

PRF Chief Impact Officer, Abhilash Mudaliar said the Fellowship Program was an opportunity to expand and diversify Australia’s social change research, encouraging new ideas with the potential to contribute to systems change.

“We believe great ideas and expertise can come from a diversity of experiences,” he said.

“Through the Fellowship Program, we aim to open the door to research that challenges conventional thinking and asks new questions about how we can build thriving communities.

“These fellowships are also an exciting opportunity to support those who might otherwise lack the resources and support they need to pursue their work, to enhance their impact and transform their ideas into positive social change.”

Expressions of interest are closed.

Interviews will take place in March, with recipients announced in May.

Please note we do not fund medical research.

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